Ramadan GoodDeed Cookbook
By Deeds in 60 seconds
Recipe 4: Sweet & Sour
The Prophet pbuh said "A person makes a statement that is pleasing to Allah although he did not give it much concern. [Due to it] Allah raises his rank. And a person makes a statement that is displeasing to Allah although he did not give it much concern. [Due to it], he is flung into the Hellfire". [Bukhari]
The tongue is like a loaded weapon: the safety latch should always be on! As the one who speaks a lot commits lots of mistakes. The one who makes lots of mistakes commits lots of sins. The one who commits lots of sins will have the Hell Fire as the first place for him. [May Allah save us from this! – Say Ameen]
Keep the meal sweet and refrain from adding sour words!
[Take 60 seconds…] and note what you say in the next 24 hrs. Is it something good or should you have remained silent? Will it take you to Paradise or will it take you to Hell?
Ramadan GoodDeed Cookbook
By Deeds in 60 seconds
Recipe 4: Sweet & Sour
The Prophet pbuh said "A person makes a statement that is pleasing to Allah although he did not give it much concern. [Due to it] Allah raises his rank. And a person makes a statement that is displeasing to Allah although he did not give it much concern. [Due to it], he is flung into the Hellfire". [Bukhari]
The tongue is like a loaded weapon: the safety latch should always be on! As the one who speaks a lot commits lots of mistakes. The one who makes lots of mistakes commits lots of sins. The one who commits lots of sins will have the Hell Fire as the first place for him. [May Allah save us from this! – Say Ameen]
Keep the meal sweet and refrain from adding sour words!
[Take 60 seconds…] and note what you say in the next 24 hrs. Is it something good or should you have remained silent? Will it take you to Paradise or will it take you to Hell?