The story of a country cannot be without its people. The
government’s decision to bring in a Food Security Bill cannot be
divorced, in the coverage, of what impact it will have on the ground. It
is the job of the media to explore not the legalities of the
legislation, but whether it will bring relief to the people, and to what
extent. These stories are not being covered any more with the media
getting away with a couple of quotes from the VIP politicians, and a
‘this party is against the other party’ kind of superficial approach.
What has happened to the Women’s Reservation Bill? What does 51% FDI in
the retail sector mean for the people? And by people, the yardstick
should be poor people, and not just the consumers who determine the
advertisements and the TRP ratings.
People do not like to come out on the streets to protest. Not
even those who belong to political parties. They do so because they
genuinely believe that there is no other course, and the issue is
important enough to merit their participation. But when thousands of
workers march on the streets of Delhi for justice and rights, the entire
media without an exception blocks them out as they are the conscience
check for unbridled capitalism keeping the corporates in business.
All that is reported are traffic jams as a result of people’s protests. Of course, if the protests turn violent the media is in full attendance to damn the protestors and their supporters.
The state has realised the importance of controlling the media across
the world, particularly in democracies. It has also realised that it
does not need to do this through draconian laws (like censorship) and
has opted for outright seduction. Big media empires are set up with
covert state support, and the pay back is through the manipulation of
news that is difficult to detect. This has happened in the US, it is
happening in India. Multi media chains are being established by
industrial houses, they get full support by the government that even
bails them out at later stages through closed door multi-crore deals, so
that eventually they can control the news.
The distance between the
journalist and the politician has been bridged, and both go to bed with
each other to ensure smooth functioning of the new media industry that
first creates the news and then disseminates it with admirable ease. The
voter cannot be controlled, but the information can. And as the Iraq
war and its embedded journalists have shown so successfully to the
world, information can be bought and sold.
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