I want to tell the world
I want to tell the world a story
About a home with a broken lantern
And a burnt doll
About a picnic that wasn’t enjoyed
About an axe that killed a tulip
A story about a fire that consumed a plait
A story about a tear that couldn't run down
I want to tell a story about a goat that wasn’t milked
About a mother’s dough that wasn’t baked
About a wedding that wasn’t celebrated
And a baby girl that didn’t grow up
About a football that wasn’t kicked
About a dove that didn’t fly
I want to tell a story about a key that wasn’t used
About a classroom that wasn’t attended
About a playground that was silenced
About a book that wasn’t read
About a besieged lonely farm
And about its fruits that weren’t picked
About a lie that wasn't discovered
A story about a church that’s no longer prayed in
And a mosque that no longer stands
And a culture no longer rejoiced
I want to tell a story about a muddy grassy roof
About a stone that faced a tank
And about a stubborn flag that refuses to lie down
About a spirit that cannot be defeated
I want to tell the world a story
Now light a little candle for Palestine
You can do it
Light a candle One little candle
Watch the darkness fade away
Watch the darkness fade away
Just try it out
One ray of light
Wipes away the gloomiest
Jet-black nights
As the dawn breaks
Wipes away the gloomiest
Jet-black nights
As the dawn breaks
Just observe
Can you see that
All the might of darkness
In the world
Cannot extinguish
The faintest flicker
Of a beam of light
All the might of darkness
In the world
Cannot extinguish
The faintest flicker
Of a beam of light
Light a candle
One little candle
Watch the darkness fade away
One little candle
Watch the darkness fade away
You can do it
Did you hear me?
The author's name is Nahida. Nahida is a Jerusalem-born Palestinian refugee living in exile for over 42 years. She was forced
to leave her homeland, Palestine at the age of seven during the six-day war. She is a mathematician by profession. She started writing about three years ago when her friends insisted her to write about her memories, experiences, and feelings as a Palestinian. She did… but it all came out - for some strange reason- sounding -as you would feel - like poetry! So far she has published two books (I Believe in Miracles, and Palestine, The True Story). Write to her at: nahidaexiledpalestinian@gmail.com
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Dancer, soldier, personal trainer or Italian plumber, you just never understand what you could become once you enter the realm of video games. You could find yourself flying a plane or jet skiing clear blue oceans, but you should have some tricks in your arsenal, and the following article will offer those.
Any game you give your child should be age-appropriate. You can do this easily by checking the game's front packaging or cover for the age rating. Some video gaming focus on violence, which you should avoid.
As with many other things, you may need to try and try again in your gaming. Don't expect to become a master at every game you hold. Learn patience and make sure to practice to ensure that you eventually become good at it. This will let you master your games.
Always start by playing in beginner's mode. If you find the beginner mode too easy, simply restart the game at a more difficult level. Once you have played on a beginner level for awhile, you will find it much easier to eventually play on a harder level.
As you buy a game, make certain that you get warranty or insurance protection. You will feel secure in the knowledge that you can just replace it without hassle. A playstation is likely to run into problems eventually. Take precautions.
If you are frustrated, give the game a break for awhile. Often, you will not be at the top of your game, as you may want to choose another time to try to beat it. Don't sit there and get angry or frustrated when you should be having fun instead.
Get up frequently as you play a game. If you do not take breaks, your body will remain stuck in the same position. Additionally, if you sit immobile for long periods of times, you will get cramps and perhaps even blood clots. Your body will thank you for your efforts.
Think about going to a gaming arcade in another town. Some people just like to game at home using personal consoles. But it can be fun to get out of the house and join in the communal activities that an arcade offers. You can socialize and take friends with you. You can meet new people with similar interests.
When someone wants to purchase a video game playstation, there are plenty of choices. Be sure to research and read reviews before deciding which system you prefer. It is important to know if the company carries a majority of titles that your family will enjoy. When you have chosen a system, look at how much memory this system has. There are many download options for most games and this content can fill a hard drive quickly. To make sure, buy a system that has enough memory.
Try playing computer games as a way to bond with your children. Gaming together is a fun and inexpensive way to get in some family time. It can also allow you to ensure that your kids aren't playing inappropriate games.
Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.
There, you should now be able to start getting more out of your gaming experience since you've read this article. You will be able to make your competition quake with fear since you now quite a bit more about gaming. Just knowing a little bit can get you far in the world of gaming, even if it's just a hobby.
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